

Modern Times Exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

By |April 30th|museum, Uncategorized|

  Modern Times at the Philadelphia Museum of Art I had a chance to view the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s newest exhibition “Modern Times: American Art 1910-1950” which is a nod to the many instrumental American artists of the modern art era.  The exhibition is designed with 7 themes in mind; Modern Life, [...]

Teaching at University of the Arts-Spring 2018

By |February 2nd|Teaching, Uncategorized|

I'm excited to announce a new course I'll be teaching this Spring at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.  This course is organized around the wide-ranging PMA exhibition that re-frames examples of American Modernism in the collection, with an emphasis on painting, sculpture, prints, drawings, and photographs. The exhibition features internationally acclaimed artists who are [...]