Philadelphia Museum of Art

/Tag:Philadelphia Museum of Art

Dieter Rams: Design Principles

By |November 20th|Design, museum, Uncategorized|

Dieter Rams, one of the world's most prolific product designers, is featured in the Philadelphia Museum of Art's exhibition "Dieter Rams: Principled Design" in the Collab Gallery in the Perelman Building and this past Saturday, Rams was the reciepent of the Collab 2018 Design Excellence Award. For those of you who don't know, Rams design [...]

Modern Times Exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

By |April 30th|museum, Uncategorized|

  Modern Times at the Philadelphia Museum of Art I had a chance to view the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s newest exhibition “Modern Times: American Art 1910-1950” which is a nod to the many instrumental American artists of the modern art era.  The exhibition is designed with 7 themes in mind; Modern Life, [...]